Sunday, 6 November 2011

COMMENT: The UK is still a medieval country with modern nick-nacks

Most living in the UK would say that it is a modern nation, with modern politics and freedoms, with a modern world view and with a modern outlook.

I'm one of those who disagree.

I think the UK is still little better than a medieval country with a population that is being conned.

Yes, we don't have an absolute monarchy but the monarch and heir to the throne are given vetoes over new laws. Elected officials bow down to the Royals who have done nothing more to be given their position of privilege than pass through a particular vagina.

We still have umpteen unelected peers in the House of Lords, including umpteen unelected bishops, who oversee what laws are passed. The bishops ensure that the church has a voice way beyond the size of the nation's "faith community". Quite why any superstition is given legal powers is beyond me.

The UK has a large aristocracy, headed by the Royal Family, for whose benefit society is organised. "The Establishment" isn't just a silly Hale and Pace joke but a real strata of society who look down on the rest of us while they reap the benefits of passing through various birth canals or licking up to the right people.

Don't be fooled by our democracy - it is tokenism. It is a fraud. It is electing different flavours of the same crisps.

And then there's the UK's foreign policy. Surely it's to just me that sees recent involvements in Afghanistan, Iraq and, in particular, Libya as nothing more then modern day Crusades - spreading "our" way of life because "we" know best - oh, and, of course, oil!

Commentators and newspapers often look at other nations and refer to them as "third world" or "medieval" in the way things are organised - the UK is hardly different. Yes, in the UK we have a wealth and have developed in many ways - the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution enabled this, plus the evils of the Empire which, thankfully, has now ended - but this is nothing more than a generous dose of blusher on the bad skin of our society.

The UK needs fundamental change: we need a genuinely democratic system of government; we need to remove the powers of the Royal family (and their numerous hangers on and yes men) completely; we need to stop the insanity of religion from imposing it's nonsense to the rest of use; and we need to have a more sensible, caring and grown-up world view.

The UK is ready for change. Stop being conned!


  1. Whole-heartedly agree, Rob. To say we live in a democracy is misguided, it's more of a pseudo-democracy.

    I've often considered absolute democracy - that every individual policy decision is put to a public vote. It certainly wouldn't work in our apathetic, distracted-by-xfactor society as is, but if enough of the population cared (regardless of "which way" they cared), it could work.

    Well, maybe a few hundred years from now! :)

  2. They need to both care AND understand the issues though!!

  3. It is supposed to be the twenty first century, and we are stuck somewhere in the middle ages with modern trimmings hiding the rust underneath.

    Great post thank you Robert.
