Friday, 25 November 2011

The National Music Plan - better late than never?

Click here to read the National Music Plan.

Lots of good and positive words in the National Music Plan which the government has belatedly published this morning: hubs for collaborator and in asking opportunities and sharing good practise; additional training particularly in Primary; suppose words for teachers and praise.... Some very big pledges about funding....

But will it work?

I suspect it is more words than anything concrete. Musicians and music teachers will have to battle with Headteachers and Local Authorities to ensure that music is a priority. Will any funding be ring-fenced? And, in reality, will ring-fencing be anything more than good intentions? When a Head is running low on budget or is needs funding for a science lab will the money to implement the National Music Plan really be safe? Hmmm....

If it works, fab but I'm not holding my breath

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