Tuesday, 6 January 2009

One pound at a time...

SO 24 hours into the healthy eating/diet regime and it's going ok - no great cravings for chocolate, no desire to eat biscuits....

Woke up with a dreadful headache this morning. I'm guessing that, as I'm doing low-GI, it's the carbs detoxing out of my body (?) - and I've eaten a lot of carbs in recent weeks with Christmas and New Year!

I did have one challenge this morning. I was on the computer, Martha was playing and eating a nice chocolate digestive.... she gave me half. Without thinking I instantly went to eat it.... but managed to remember at the last minute. That's going to be hard - when the kids want to share their sweets or chocolates or biscuits. How do you not eat them without upsetting the child?

The other big temptation is, of course, to weigh too often. Most dietitians recommend no more than once a week. It makes sense because minor fluctuations get ironed out and you get to see the overall trend (I did 'O' level statistics at school - trust me, this is an area I'm very average on!).

So what did I do, just 24 hours into my diet? Yes, of course I weighed. I had to see if my first 24 hours had been successful! Thankfully they had. Not hugely successful, but I had lost one pound. I'm now 20 stone and 7 pounds.  It's one less to go and I've made a start. A fair few to go though!

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