Sunday, 4 January 2009

Beginnings and cliches...

"Hi! My name's Rob and I'm a fat bastard."

Were I to enroll in the FBA (Fat Bastards Anonymous) I guess that's probably have to be my opening line.

In the absence of any such group, and no desire on my part to join anything like Weightwatchers (surely it's in their interest for people to fail? - but I'm sure we'll come back to that subject later in the year) I've decided that 2009 is going ot be the year I do something about being fat. This year I am going to lose weight and by January 1st 2010 I am no longer going to be a Fat Bastard!

I've decided to use the word fat rather than just overweight because, quite simply. I am fat and although my BMI doesn't quite qualify me in the "Clinically obese" category I'm so close to it I may as well have a final pig out of chocolate and chips and get up there to have a better starting point for this blog!

My wife is planning on dieting too and I have an online friend (who I play at The Dot Game on Facebook) who will also be starting tomorrow. Hopefully we'll be able to support each other - be the little Fairy Godmother sitting on each other's shoulder's at times of temptation of when boredom sets in!

So, I'm Rob, a fat bastard. I used to be fit and healthy. I used to play lots of sports (and was even quite good at some - Rugby in particular, but not bad at badminton too). I used to eat healthily. I am a vegetarian (yep, a fat vegetarian - how unfair is that?). Since university I've always drunk a fair bit (ciders being my tipple of choice) but since May last year cut back massively and became almost teetotal (though this has lapsed rather over Christmas and New Year).

I guess it's a dreadful cliche to start a fitness regime in January, though, perhaps, starting it on January 5th is unusual! That's simply because I'm a teacher and, to me at least, it makes more sense to start when term begins.... tomorrow! ARGH!

SO this weekend I've been finishing off Christmas food and drink - pigging out a bit, to be honest, no point in good food going to waste (though maybe that's one of the attitudes I need to rid myself of if I'm to be successful in my quest). 

Today I went to the small local supermarket for a few bits and pieces and they had electronic scales on offer (under £10). Now I know it;s good to have a more accurate reading but it seems, even before I've started, that I've already put on an extra 14 pounds than our old and tired scales had me as being. Bugger!

So in the morning I'll do my weight-in and then I'll know the enormity of my task. 

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