Saturday 7 April 2012

OPINION: This Easter, remember it's all just a lie

Tomorrow is Easter Sunday. Christians see it as the higher of their religious year. It's the day they celebrate the resurrection of Jesus after he had been crucified, and is the main event in the teachings that have spread a religion to every corner of the globe.

The fact that there is absolutely no evidence for the events that they claim happened seems to pass Christians by and they say it is their faith that proves to them that they took place.

The fact that nobody wrote anything about those same events until two whole generations had passed, and that not a single person who did then eventually write about those events was an eye witness doesn't throw up any questions to them that maybe things weren't as "reported" in the Bible, their so-called Holy book.

The fact that the tales of a God born on December 25th, who then died and came back to life are clearly stolen from the earlier mythologies of Horus and Mithras doesn't cast even a shadow of doubt in their minds.

The undeniable truth that there is absolutely no contemporaneous evidence that Jesus actually existed is poo-pooed by their wealthy master in his opulent palace in the Vatican because it might show that the whole Christian faith is nothing more than a con is ignored by those too ignorant or stupid to realise they are being made fools of.

And those who believe these unproven fairy stories, based on nothing better than whimsy, then believe it is their right to push the same rubbish and indoctrination that has controlled them onto the rest of society, and they scream and shout Whenevr anyone points out that there is absolutely no substance to the nonsense they spout.

Why, in the modern world, do we tolerate these silly and idiotic superstitions? Most people laugh about horoscopes but they have as much validity as any of the major religions.

Why should people who have been brain washed by con men be afforded privelege and have their faith tolerated when, in fact, any other form of brain washing and undue influence would be outlawed?

This Easter Sunday, I hope all rational human beings take a few moments to think about all the evil that Christianity , and the other religions, have inflicted on the world, and then do seething to help minimise the influence these appalling institutions have on our modern society.

If we sit back and continue to allow the religions to prey on all the most vulnerable in society, if we tolerate their lies and don't stand up to the way they abuse the power that earlier generations stupidly gave to them, if we don't do all we can to bring to end the tax-evading, corruption of the churches that have conned the rest of society, then we are complicit in the way it continues to spread through our society like a deadly cancer, slowly destroying the fabric of everything of any true worth.

Christianity is founded on nothing more than fiction - Islam and Judaism too. The Easter Story is just that, a story, and unless someone can come up with something that shows the opposite, Jesus wasn't the Messiah, and he wasn't even a very naughty boy. Jesus never existed at all - he was nothing more than some old stories nicked so that some priests could start spreading their lies and manipulating others.

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