Saturday 7 April 2012

OPINION: Sunday trading laws

It's bad enough that Christians impose restrictions on shops on a regular Sunday, but, of course, this weekend includes one of their "special days" and rather than the usual restriction if just 6 hours that shops can open, this Sunday they can't open at all.

This is a monstrous imposition on the rest if society - the majority of who don't believe the mumbo jumbo of a fictitious man coming back to life.

Sure, there are those who will say that shops are open often enough and people have ample opportunity to spend their earnings. Yes, to a point I agree.

But the problem I have is one group of people, in practising terms a fairly small minority, imposing their beliefs on others - particularly when their beliefs are nothing more than lies and indoctrination.

I think shops should be allowed to open when they want and for as long as they want. There is every chance that some shops might choose to restrict their trading hours on a Sunday. Similarly there's a chance some shops will choose to be completely shut on some days during the year.

The point is, it should be their choice. It shouldn't be dictated by a pushy church, legislated on by 70+ unelected bishops in the House of Lords. And it mustn't be dictated by people who talk to imaginary friends and live their lives in fear if going to a non-existent hell.

Sure, there might be a need for some localised laws do that shop openings don't disrupt the lives of people who live near them. And, absolutely, there must be laws that protect the rights of workers from exploitation by bad bosses.

But we live in a 24/7, 365 day a year world and if the Sunday trading laws can be relaxed in the build up to the Olympics they can, and should, be relaxed all year round - including Eastee Sunday.

How dare Christians force their faith on those of us with reason and knowledge on our side.

Let's hope that tomorrow is the last time the loony tunes from Lambeth Palace are able to dictate what the rest of society can do.

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