Monday 23 April 2012

IN PRAISE OF ... Man v. Food

I know that, on one level, it is truly gross and, as a vegetarian, I should be appalled by it but I absolutely love Man v. Food. It's my guilty secret. If you've not seen it you must.

Originally a Travel Channel programme, it's currently being aired on Dave in the UK.

Beginning in 2008, Adam Richman has now had four seasons of eating his way around America's favourite "pig out" joints - finding out about the food, how it's prepared and, at the end of each show, taking on an eating challenge.

The eating challenges vary. Some are sheer quantity (huge platefuls of meat or seafood, a 12 patty burger, etc.) while some are because of the number of super hot chillies in the food. Always, the task is incredible and most, but not all, of the time Adam succeeds in defeating Food!

It's all very macho and you could easily think he's talking about sports or cars, but Richman genuinely loves food and, in this slightly gross out way, the programme is a celebration of food.

It ought to be awful and cringeworthy but, because Adam
Is both likeable and knowledgable, as well as being a good presenter, it is compelling television.

Man v. Food makes Gordon Ramsey's approach to cooking and presentation seem very timid and effete.

I'm sure there are dieticians and doctors appalled by the size of platters that get devoured, and I dread to think what the calorie count is on each show, but it's not like it's every meal, and he's not saying that it's good to just stuff your face. Indeed, he visits the kitchens and sees the food being prepared with love and care.

I'd love there to be a European edition, or a worldwide series, but, sadly, the most international Man v. Food has got so far is to cross the Northern border into Canada!

1 comment:

  1. Love this show so much. Hate to burst your bubble but he techniclly spent three seasons doing the challenges himself and the fourth season was revamped as Man V food Nation coaching others to do the challenges.
