Sunday 29 April 2012

How to build an ark...

I looked out of the window this morning and wondered whether my car would be up to the journey I have to make.

Then I looked up How to Build an Ark, and this seems to be the recommended method:

1. The first step is to get your hands on a large quantity of gopherwood (if you don't have gopherwood handy try another wood that doesn't easily rot).

2. Prepare a framework for your ark.

3. At 300 cubits (450 feet) by 50 cubits (75 feet), this titanic structure (hopefully there won't be icebergs) could take weeks to build. So don't delay!

4. Attach planking to the outer hull.

5. Use several coats of pitch to seal any gaps.

6. Remember, you'll be living in your ark for 40 days with no television or broadband, so pack some cards and maybe a board game or two.

7. Round up family (optional) and pairs of animals, them wait to float!

Good luck and Bon voyage!

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