Monday 26 March 2012

OPINION: Why only GBH and not attempted murder?

I realise I risk sounding like a Daily Mail editorial, but when, last March, three men shot a gun into a shop surely they were intending to murder?

Thusha Kamaleswaran, 5, was shot in the chest and is crippled for life, and Roshan Selvakumar, 35, was shot in the face at Stockwell Food and Wine shop in Brixton but, of course, they or anyone else in that shop could easily have been killed.

And yet, somehow, a court has found the guilty of grievious bodily harm but not attempted murder.

I studied A-level law. I understand about mens rea etc. and yet I thoroughly disagree with the court's decision.

Surely, by firing a gun you intend to kill, even if the target isn't specific? If you don't want to kill you shouldn't be firing a weapon.

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