Wednesday 15 February 2012

100WCGU: " wasn't my fault..."

100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups - Week 30 - wasn't my fault...

... it wasn't my fault ...


Robert Steadman

"It wasn't my fault, Miss, honest," said Ryan, rather sadly.

"Who said it was?" asked the teacher.

"Well, the head coming off my sister's Barbie... that was my fault. Mum's blue mug getting smashed... that was my fault. The dog escaping because the front door had been left wide open... that was my fault. But that earthquake in America this weekend, that wasn't my fault," Ryan said tearfully.

"I'm sure nobody is blaming you for the earthquake, " said the teacher.

"I know," said Ryan. "I was watching the news and the man on there said it was San Andrea's fault..."

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100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups - Week 30 - wasn't my fault...