Friday 30 March 2012

COMMENT: George Galloway MP

Last night George Galloway swept to victory in by-election in Bradford West. It was and is an historic victory that humiliated the three main parties and saw him gain a 56% share of the vote for his Respect Party.

I find George Galloway an oddity.

So many of his headline politics I find superficially attractive. I support his opposition to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I agree with him that the West's support of Israeli action against Palestine is wrong. He's right when he says we shouldn't be preparing for war with Iran. I support his disarmament opinions. I agree with him when he talks about equality and when he highlights the corruption and failure of the established big three political parties. I want a fairer society like he does. I admire the way he speaks his mind and stands up for the underdog.

But I just don't trust him or believe a word he says.

I don't know why. It's irrational but I just don't find him trustworthy and, were I to live in Bradford West, I would have agreed with all his policies but still voted for someone else, or more likely spoilt my ballot paper.

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