Thursday 1 December 2011

Pinch, Punch, First of the Month

The UK has many ridiculous customs and traditions; many of which are carried out still, like a reflex, without question. One such tradition is pinch, punch, first of the month - a particularly bizarre custom.

So where does it originate?

Having had a quick search online there are few clues, most references talk of how the custom happens and link it with saying "rabbits" or "white rabbits" on the first of the month.

The most convincing source suggestsit dates back to medieval England and the belief that witches existed. It was thought that a pinch of salt would make a witch weak and the punch would banish the weakened witch.

I guess it makes as much sense as getting good luck from a black cat crossing your path but, today, when a husband pinches and punches his wife on the first of the month, he's suggesting she could be a witch!

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