Tuesday, 28 January 2014

The Inevitable Suicide of Daniel Whitaker - Robert Steadman

Daniel Whitaker is a successful writer both lauded in the literary community and popular with readers but, while doing some online research about the world of paedophiles for a new book, he is arrested and charged. His life has always been a bit of a rollercoaster ride but nothing could prepare him for how his life is affected by what he maintains is a dreadful miscarriage of justice.


 Eventually he decides that there is no other solution than suicide. This book, in effect, is his suicide note - explaining his life, his actions and his reasons for ending his life.


Dan talks about his privileged upbringing, his time in Oxford, his drug and alcohol-fuelled life as a journalist and his career as a writer, as well as his attempts to clear his name. He speaks with fondness about his two children and he expresses his fears for their future.

Sunday, 19 January 2014

WINTER OLYMPICS (Steadman's Armchair Miscellany)

WINTER OLYMPICS (Steadman's Armchair Miscellany) - trivia for armchair sports fans

Armchair sports fans like facts, they need facts, they desire facts.... this book provides the reader with the essential facts about the history of the Winter Olympics so you can appear knowledgable before, during and after the 16 days of competition. 

#kindle #winterolympics #trivia